What Makes My Teeth Crooked?

Wednesday, January 18, 2023 , Uncategorized

One of the questions orthodontists often hear asked is what makes my teeth crooked? It’s a good question to ask as it seems to be a mystery why some people are born with seemingly perfect smiles and other people have challenges due to crooked or misaligned teeth.

There is certainly a genetic component to how teeth can develop, but this is only part of the story. Which is why even identical twins won’t always have identical teeth.

Habits like thumb sucking can affect the development of your teeth and bite, leading to orthodontic issues.

Sometimes impacts or injuries sustained, like a blow to the mouth, can cause teeth to become misaligned. There also certain illnesses and disease which can have damaging effects on your teeth.

In some instances children lose their baby teeth too rapidly and as a result, their adult teeth come in faster than their jaw can properly grow to accommodate the size of these larger teeth.

There are many reasons why your teeth can be crooked, but the best way to correct the problem is with braces. We offer various types of braces and can advise you on the right approach for you for your unique situation. Contact us  to book your initial consultation with us today. We offer both in-person and virtual consultations. We’d love to speak with you about your options and help you to restore or enhance your smile.