Reasons To Consider Getting Braces

Monday, November 21, 2022 , Uncategorized

There are many reasons why you should consider getting braces. Some reasons include:

  1. Your jaw structure is interfering with your bite.

If your upper and lower jaws have not grown together this will affect the way your teeth fit together. This could lead to tooth damage, cracking/soreness of the jaws and muscles and digestive issues as you may not be chewing your food into small enough pieces before swallowing.

  1. You have developed a crossbite.

If your upper teeth are biting inside of the lower teeth this is known as a crossbite. Crossbites can cause damage to the teeth and can also result in jaw misalignment.

  1. Your teeth are too close together.

Overcrowding can affect your oral health. Not enough space means that you could be having difficulty properly cleaning your teeth and your gums and this can lead to tooth decay, gingivitis and bad breath.

  1. You have a gap between your teeth.

While overcrowding is an issue, so to, is too much space between your teeth. Spacing can lead to food getting stuck between your teeth (food impaction) which can lead to cavities and problems with your gums. Teeth will also move into spaces leading to changes in the way your teeth bite together, which can affect your chewing.

  1. You have an open bite.

If your lower and upper tooth do not touch when you bite down it’s called an open bite. Many people develop open bites because of thumb sucking as a child. When an open bite is not addressed, it can impact your speech and the way you chew your food.

  1. Your teeth are affecting your self-confidence.

How you feel about your smile can impact your self-confidence and self-esteem. If you avoid smiling or cover your mouth while talking, braces could help to restore your smile and boost your self-confidence.

These are just a few reasons why you should consider braces. Book a consultation with us today to learn more about the benefits braces can offer you. Call our office at 705-268-8400 or email us at